are promotional gifts?
Promotional gifts / promotional items could
be described as items used for promotional
purposes in marketing and marketing communications,
and they usually contain the company logo.
It may be fair to estimate that approximately
half of such promotional items purchased
are accounted for by clothing
/ wearable goods, writing
implements / pens, and calendars
in a variety of themes. However, what items
can be used is only really limited by the
imagination. For example, other promotional
items commonly available include: mugs,
toys, confectionary,
/ glassware, leather
items, mouse
mats, umbrellas,
related products and much more.
Why use promotional items?
The main features of promotional items
could be summarised as follows:
- Low relative cost. Other advertising
methods can be much more expensive. Promotional
goods also have that ‘hang around’
value. They are worn, used, or seen sometimes
on a daily basis e.g. desk items, and
so can achieve considerable reach and
‘impressions’ / ‘repetition’.
- High perceived value. These items are
‘gifts’ – they are perceived
as being given free. It’s fair to
assume that most people like to receive
something free, and also like to receive
gifts. The emotional and behavioural responses
to receiving such gifts far outweigh the
low cost of the items themselves.
- Flexibility. The product and product
decoration variations are really limited
only by budget. The right gift can be
produced to appeal to your target market.
Generally the benefits of promotional items
are could be grouped under several headings
including the following, although it is
accepted that there can be some crossover:
The brand and company image
- Goodwill, and a positive attitude toward
the company and brand can created in customers
who receive promotional business gifts.
The same positive attitude, goodwill and
loyalty can be instilled or strengthened
in employees who are given promotional
gifts e.g. baseball caps, t-shirts, or
desk goods.
- Customer loyalty and even improved customer
relations can result from the clever use
of promotional gifts.
Motivate, reward and celebrate
- Promotional gifts can be given as employee
incentives e.g. reaching certain status
within the company or reaching targets.
- Customers can be encouraged / motivated
to contact the company in order to receive
the gifts e.g. to collect tokens on packaging
in order to receive a promotional gift.
- To celebrate an anniversary, a marketing
event or a company achievement, you can
reward customers and / or employees with
appropriate promotional gifts.
Raise awareness, increase recognition
and remind
- Your logo, company name, and contact
details are usually included on promotional
gift items. This means that your company
name is advertised e.g. when promotional
clothing is worn, or promotional umbrellas
are used.
- Exposure to the promotional items can
help to raise awareness of the company
or a marketing / advertising campaign,
increase recognition of and support e.g.
the brand or a company celebration / event,
or an advertising campaign.
- Customers can be reminded where to go
for goods and services e.g. if the have
a promotional pen, or desk item with your
company details on it.
Increase / stimulate leads, conversion
and sales
- Employees / sales people can be motivated
and rewarded by certain higher end promotional
- Trade show traffic (which can produce
leads) can be increased by offering appealing
promotional gifts.
- A business contact or a customer prospect
lead can be converted to a customer with
the right use of promotional gifts as
motivation to take the final step. Lapsed
customers can be encouraged to become
customers again in the same way.
Preparations for running a promotion
using promotional gifts
- Prepare a system for measuring the effectiveness
of the promotion. This will allow you
to manage the promotion and compare it
with future promotional activity.
- Make sure that copies of your logo are
prepared in the correct format i.e. prepare
a large clear image of over 300 dpi resolution,
use a vector format (EPS or PSD), have
RGB and CYMK colour versions at the ready,
use a qualified professional with a good
software package e.g. Adobe Photoshop.
- Allow adequate turnaround time for the
promotional gifts to be prepared and sent
e.g. 3 weeks.
- Check the service (e.g. advice and assistance),
check product samples for quality, and
check the shipping / distribution options
before committing yourself to choosing
a promotional gifts supplier.
What to expect when ordering promotional
- A set-up cost to prepare your order.
- A minimum order number.
- A lower price per item for larger order
If you require any more
information, please contact us. |